Friday, September 6, 2013

The bag is now cat-less (not Katnis because that girl is on fire and not in this story)

Remember a little while back when I mentioned losing my Skype virginity and was all cloak and dagger with secrecy?

I had readers emailing me to ask  :

1.) Are you adopting again?

No.   Daddy Chaos resounds a big loud NO!  6 is enough.  I love babies but Dimples would not do well being anything but the youngest in the family. He is enough of a handful that I wouldn't have time for another little one full time.   So, no- we are not adopting from Spain.

2.)  Are you getting a foreign exchange student?

While I can totally see where you guys got that thought from, let's be honest - I'm a baby person.  Foreign exchange students are teenagers.  I will never understand why someone would willing take an extra TEENAGER into their homes.. lol.. No, exchange student is not for me.  I have enough teen drama to deal with.

And so, you are probably wondering-  why are you Skyping with these people from Spain with an interpreter? What could possibly be that imporant?

From here to there is approx :  4109.6 miles ( 6613.8 kilometers)

That is quite a distance!  What could I possibly have in common with this couple that I have never met (in person) and who live so very far away from me?

It's simple really.   Love.

The love you have for your children. The miracle of creating that life.  Of giving someone a gift that is so extraordinary it fills you with unexplainable joy.

I've done it once before - back before the younger set of kids joined us.  It was an experience so rewarding, it's hard to put into words.

I'm sure by now you have guessed it.   Surrogacy.   Yes, I am going to be a gestational surrogate again!   I am uber excited about it and can't wait to get moving forward.   P & J are such a lovely couple.  P (the Intended Mother- IM) and  I have been exchanging emails and we are becoming fast friends!  We have so much in common despite living in different cultures.

I'll write more about how we met and will be keeping up on the journey.  For now, I just wanted to let the cat out of the bag and get it out of the way!  ha!

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