Thursday, August 25, 2011

Sixteen years in the blink of an eye.

Sixteen years ago, I was 18.

Sixteen years ago, Daddy Chaos was 19.

Sixteen years ago , Drama Queen was unknown to most except my seamstress who had to keep adjusting my wedding gown.

Sixteen years ago we got married.


Oh my gawd.  We were so young.. and innocent.. and probably still a bit naive. I mean geesh, look at those babies!!   Daddy Chaos had just finished tech school with the Air Force and we were about to set out to our first base- many many miles from home. We 'officially' got married in Texas while he was still in tech school at the JP in Witchita Falls after I tried to not pass out from the heat.  However, we went ahead and did a church ceremony at home with family & friends..   Over the years we debate which anniversary to celebrate.. Daddy Chaos has always been for our July date  because it's the "legal" date..  I'm all legal- smegal..  Everyone else always remembers today, the "wedding dress" date because it's what they went to.   I usually try to celebrate both :)  So I guess this is really our 32nd anniversary? LOL!

Sixteen years seems like a long time but in retrospect it's just like kids... you turn your head for a second and you're all of the sudden creeping up on 2 decades together. 

This year marked another anniversary.  One that is sadly starting to become unusual in today's society.  This year, I have been with Daddy Chaos for more of my life than I've been without him.  How often do you hear that anymore? 

I had breakfast with my youngest niece (18) this morning just to catch up.

As we sat there with our plates loaded down, she mentioned a conversation that she and her on again/off again boyfriend had recently had over the number of kids that we have..  Apparently he asked her what would happen if her aunt (me) & uncle ever got divorced? Who would get the kids or would we split them?   She just laughed and said "Honey, my aunt and uncle will never get divorced.. My aunt has never been with anyone but him." 

Ha! I Love it. 

I have been in love with my husband since I was almost Drama Queen's age.  It's hard to imagine, isn't it?

Sixteen years have went by in a flash.. Sure we have had a few rough spots here and there, what's life without a few bumps?   I could never imagine my life without him.

I'm just glad I've never had to try.

Happy "wedding dress" anniversary, my love.


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1 comment:

  1. When I think about an 18 and a 19 year old getting married....I want to gag. Because, that was me as well...almost THIRTY FIVE years ago. Thought we had it all figured out. Learned that we had so much to learn. You are right, so few couples manage to stay together. It is practically miraculous that as young as we all were, that our marriages are intact. Congratulations on your anniversary(ies). Here's to your next sixteen years.


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