Thursday, June 2, 2011

Sadness and light

Today is a day that I normally hide from.

June 2nd.

It has not treated me well in the past.

5yrs ago- Fishing Pole underwent his first heart surgery.  While it was successful (yay!) , it was a stressful, emotional day.  It still contains the one and only scar that his bmom will never be able to heal. I can forgive many many things but that day I'm having a hard time letting go of.

4yrs ago- My Gma died.  It's hard to realize that four years have passed.  Grandma lived with us most of my life and as like a second mom to me.  She was my playmate and my friend. I think I have accepted her death and moved on... but some days it hits me hard.  Gma died unexpectedly the morning she was due to come home from the hospital after a brief illness.  I can still clearly remember choosing not to go up to visit her the night before because I was busy will silly things and didn't want to bother with the drive to the hospital.. I'd just see her at home the next day.. Only I didn't.. Instead I did travel to that hospital, too late to see her alive again.  That one decision still haunts me.

Really only two things but both have scarred me for different reasons.. Every June 2nd since then I sit and wait.. I wait for something bad to happen.  Or maybe something really wonderful will happen and help counteract it all?  Nah, I'm not superstitious.. much.. lol.

When I have no way to merge my thoughts together (ie. I'm rushed because I played Frontierville on FB too long and now it's almost time to go get the kids from school, but I really need to get my post up.. How's that for a run-on sentence? lol)  I just do the little star curvy thing.. It's my "pause, take a breath and redirect your thoughts".

As I sat down to write this post, I realized that this is my 500th post!  I'm not really surprised that I've written 500 posts.. I'm probably more surprised that it has taken this long.. ha.  I'm a bit of a blabber box in case you haven't noticed.

To celebrate my 500th post, you can go read some more of my babbling over at the BlogHer Book Club  :)  I had the chance to read and review The Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness.  I've not read this author before but I will definitely be reading more of her in the future.. A bonus, if you're like me, is that this is Book 1 of a trilogy. I love me some series books :)  It was an excellent book with Witches, Daemons and Vampires galore.. I guarantee you're going to love it ..  Ok I can't guarantee that but if you don't, you need a firm talking to ! :)  Go read my review and let me know if you decide to read the book too!!

*Disclosure - In full disclosure, I did receive the book " The Discovery of Witches"  and small compensation for my review. All thoughts and opinions are 100% my own and I firmly stand behind them. *

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