I'm participating yet again in SITS Halloween party. Dude, this is your disclosure in case you were wondering :)
Today's topic is Halloween Crafts.
I am not a crafty person. If it's super messy, I have the kids go to Cowie's for it.. 6 kids x mess = Momma don't do.
I had big plans for pumpkins this year. We bought three large ones & I thought I'd have the kids team up and do jack-o-lanterns. Except I apparently bought them too early and then promptly forgot about them. When I finally remembered, we had no paint (we were planning on painting vs carving). When I next remembered and was ready to get started I went to pick one up and the bottom promptly fell out.. Son of a !!! Pumpkin guts were scrapped into the garbage and there went the craft plans for this year.
I would like to redeem myself but I cannot find the appropriate picture.. Way back when it was just 2 kiddos residing in the Kingdom of Chaos, I actually was a bit more crafty.
I know, amazing!
Probably it was more the fact that I hung out with my cousin a lot the year that Daddy Chaos was in Korea and her whole family is crafty. Regardless, Halloween 1998 I actually MADE Drama Queen's costume.. Made as in sewed with a sewing machine. It was pretty darn cute if I say so myself. She was the most adorable little bunny one ever did see. If I dig up that picture I will post it later for my redemption proof!!
I bet next year's will be great. This sounds like something that could happen to me.