Sunday, January 27, 2008

In lieu of a real post...

Ok so I had this whole blog post thought out..

It was GREAT [if I do say so myself] and soo well thought out!

I had a lovely debate, great points on both sides.....

And then...


Of course it's all gone now, I have no clue what it was I had been planning on writing about just the hint in the back of my brain that there was this wonderful post... .

Once upon a time.. Isn't that Frustrating??!

Soo instead, I direct you to a dear friend and her hilarious life.. LMAO! I'm still giggling.. Dang drunken tramp anyway! Love ya babe!


  1. Oh, I feel you on this one. I can't tell you how many times that's happened to me!

  2. lol I was soo irritated!! I'm working on another post but I am trying to word it properly to get across what I really want to say (regarding foster care)..


Did you read the blog? Leave me a comment people.. I'm needy like that :)