Saturday, September 14, 2013

It's not my fault the trees are dying..

So my best buddy Ms. Random and I were out shopping last week.  I have been patiently waiting for her to post this on her blog.

The wait is finally over.  Go read about our day here .
Go on.. I'll wait.
There are pictures.
Hurry up already!  I don't have a ton of patience anymore.

Okay, did you look?    Now can someone please explain that to me??  Why oh why do the bathroom stalls at Target have two separate toilet paper dispensers per stall?   What purpose does this serve other than to confuse us and make some of us take pictures to blog about it.. ahem.

Someone may have almost lost their purse in the toilet while trying to contort themselves to get proper pictures.  Let's just remember who's blog has the pictures.. ha.

When given the conundrum of having two different toilet paper dispenser sitting in front of you, I naturally chose the one on the right (hello- right handed).. Until Ms. Random pointed out that one was textured tp and the other was not.

Well I guess I'm just gonna wipe twice!

It can't be helped.   I blame the waste of trees on Target for manipulating me into double wiping .

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1 comment:

  1. Lol! Best line of the week. "manipulating me into double wiping" Bahahaha


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