Wednesday, March 27, 2013

One step at a time

For the first time in almost 3months,  my kid got out of the car (on his own) at school, smiled and said "Bye Mom, love you!"

It may be temporary or maybe it's a turn back to his old self.. Either way, that moment made my entire day! 

Have a wonderful day at school today Fishing Pole !   Momma loves you too! 

~  side note-  we were able to spend the weekend with the little boys in Chicago- visiting friends and going to Medieval Times..  Omg, we had soo much fun!  Pics and review coming soon along with an awesome giveaway!   Stay tuned!


1 comment:

  1. Aw! Way to go Fishing Pole!
    And as for you Momma, why am I just now finding out?


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