Monday, October 11, 2010

Joke of the Day

While in the car waiting at the bank today (side note- yes my bank was open. Booya!), Drama Queen told me this little funny that I had to share..

Where do Captain's keep their armies?
In their "sleevies"..

heheehee.. Yes that is soo 4th grade humor but I giggled immediately.. I asked Drama Queen (a freshman in highschool) where she read it, thinking it was on the window or something and she just said that she heard it in school today and thought it was funny.

Yes, my dear, it was funny.  Gave me a giggle despite my aching back and that, my dears, is no easy matter!

If any great massage chair makers are reading my blog (ha) and wants to send me a free massage chair (double ha), I'd love to do a review for you (no ha's about it!)!!

Still in pain,


  1. Gotta love the fourth grade humor :-) I can't wait to tell that one to my husband. That's right up his alley ...

  2. Ummm, is it really bad if I don't get it? Help! I don't get it!

  3. ooh Essie my love.. It's probably just too simple for you to grasp.. Truly, I giggled at the almsot 15yr old telling it b/c it's something I'd expect an 8yr old to tell..

    Captain's keep their ARMies in their SLEEVEies..

    Did that help? lol If not, ummm I'm not good at explaining it? lol!


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