Sunday, August 31, 2008

The boy is going straight to hell..

I don't think any amount of Hail Marys is going to get him out of this.. I know we've talked about Drool Prince's love for the word Poop.. Poopie.. ect.. At the store the other day, we saw a nun in full robe (uniform?Dress? what is the appropriate word here?). Naturally being a 2yo with a pretty good vocabulary he asks alot of questions-

What is that?
-It's a lady.
She wear a dress?
-Yup, she has a dress on..

Said nun noticed his interest and came over to say hi to him..
To which he responded in full Drool Prince style :

Hi Poopie Head!

Lordy have mercy! Can you imagine? LOL! Thank goodness we aren't Catholic ! :)

To complete the day, while coloring he had some animals to color.. When asked if he was coloring the puppy cute he responded :

No, I make him poop..

Sure enough, he was scribbling right at his butt area.. I give up..

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