Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Moving Ahoy

First things first.. It was announced on the Rafflecopter but I wanted to say again Congrats to the Graco SnugRide Click Connect 40 winner : MtnHarmony.   I did contact them last week but haven't heard anything yet..  With not knowing where they live (affected by Hurricane Sandy?) I am giving the winner another week to get back with me before I choose a new winner.

Now.. Marthavmuffin so kindly asked about the house selling/buying and where we were at on it.  I'm so very glad you asked because I would like nothing better than to happily babble on and on about my dream house :)

We listed our current house for about a week and then one of my besties decided to buy it.. How convenient is that? I can still come visit my old house :) YAY!!   Plus the fact that the sellers would not accept a contingency that we sell our house anyway.. ugh.. So it worked out perfectly!

We actually went back and forth on the offer until we finally had an agreement (Counter Offer D was it!) which was almost amusing if it weren't so darn stressful! lol!

So now we are in the countdown- 2wks til closing..  I have been cleaning out the closets and trying to actually declutter and rid myself of stuff we don't really need.  This is BIG people.. I'm a huge packrat.. I hoard things that I might need sometime in the future..  Daddy Chaos is more of a "We haven't used it in 3 years, if we really need it in the future I'll buy it again" type so he is more than thrilled with my cleaning.    So far all the storage closets have been cleaned & packed.  The Big Kids have both packed up non-essentials in their own rooms.  I've went thru all the little kids' clothes and packed away summer stuff that will still fit next spring & donated everything else.  I've packed ALL their books -- bully mom! and am planning on packing all their toys today.  I already went thru toys and got rid of everything broken/missing pieces or that they haven't played with in the last 6 months.  We only have 2 wks til moving (possession at closing) so I have got to pack something.. I figure I'll be a bad parent and let them watch TV for 2wks.. lol. It won't kill them.

And yes, if anyone calculated it, we are moving over the Thanksgiving holiday.. Won't that just be buckets of fun? I'm really hoping Daddy Chaos actually gets the holiday off b/c there are rumors that they will have to work.. UGH.

I am so ready to be settled into the new house but I am sooo  not into the packing/unpacking. I want a moving fairy to come do it all while I'm sleeping.  That would be really nice..

I'll update as we go but just know that things are going to be crazy!!


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the details. Now photos please!

    Hope your move goes smoothly.


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