Thursday, May 6, 2010

Trying new things

Another phase in my year of me (and growing up) was centered around last weekend.  I did something that I have never done before.  It is 100% Cowie's fault.  She started it all.  just sayin'

I went out with girlfriends ALONE.. yes, that's right.. No hubby, not a single kids (not even the toddler!) . It was great!!  To add to the feeling of virginity, I not only went out & had a great time with friends- but we went shopping .. Shopping for something that was not for anyone but ME!

Yes my friends, we went purse shopping.  At one of the biggest, scariest purse events known to man.  The sale went on for 4days. A total of 65,000 people purchased at the sale. Almost every state and several other countries were represented.. People travel for this sale!

The first day we waited in line for almost 2hrs just to get in..We were given these huge Pink trashbags & asked if we needed more than one.. I can remember looking at the other girls who had been around the Vera block before thinking- I'll never fill one, how could I possibly need two?!

Ohh the shopping was fun.. It's crazy insane.. Soo busy.. If you see something you like, grab it & stuff it in your bag because it might not be there in 2 seconds.  Of course then everyone sits along the walls (unless one of the wall nazi's comes along and makes you get up..#firehazard oops) and sorts thru their stash to see what they are going to keep for sure or put back in the recycle bin (where all the scavengers quickly snap it back up.. ha).   I absolutely LOVED it..

I did good the first day.  We waited in line a little over two hours to check out.
Yes TWO hours- see those balloons way over there?  Those are the check out counters. Finally we checked out and compared our receipts.  I remember smirking quietly to myself.. I got out under $200.. My fellow shopping buddies fared far worse.  How could they spend so much? Did they have no control?

And then....

We went back for the final day of the sale...
The line getting in was long.  It rained (ok ok, it drizzled but there was a need for umbrellas)..  I took Drama Queen along on Day 2 so she could hang with the big girls.  It was probably a mistake since I also let her carry her own huge Pink bag.. Her own pink bag which she shoved things in at the toss of a hat.  She was pushing and squirming.. snatching the last wallets if someone else looked at them funny..  She was eyeing people's bags hoping they'd have the pattern we wanted & planning out her whole assault on how to make them accidentally drop the bag- thus spilling everything & while helping them clean she would thief her desire..  A shopper after my own heart.

Remember me wondering how I'd ever fill more than one huge pink trash bag?  Drama Queen helped with that.. We may have left with two.. 

Remember me smirking at my friends receipts on Day1?  I was dragging my tail on Day 2 being the high spender..  Needless to say, I over bought*..   But I sure as hell had fun doing it.. Come May 2, 2011 - I know exactly where I'll be.. Back at the Vera Bradley sale :) I am no longer a Vera Virgin!

I am loving the Year of Me!

* *ahem* as I may have bought more than I (and all my girls) can possibly use, I do have a few extra things if anyone is interested.. Email me for details..  It was fun, and that's what counts .. right?!

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