Happy New Year!! 2015 went faster than I expected. Time flies by when you aren't paying attention (or are a bit too preoccupied with other things). 2016 has dawned new and fresh.
It's the time to make all those crazy resolutions that we all know we will never uphold.
For example, I would love to post something small every single day of 2016. This is my resolution. But we all know that in reality, I will probably fail this before January is over with.. Lol. I suck at resolutions.
Our New Years Eve was pretty quiet. Attitude King spent the night with friends as they have been doing for the past several years. The little girls spent the night with Gma & Gpa. So it was just Daddy Chaos , me & the little boys. We ordered ONE pizza (wow, that seems crazy!!) and watched Fantastic Four (the new remake) together. The boys were in bed by 9:30. I thought I was going to get to go to bed early but Daddy Chaos turned on the Hallmark channel and I got sucked into one of their darn Christmas shows. The kind that you know from the beginning exactly how it's going to end (she's going to dump the snobby boyfriend & hook up with the cute down home lawyer guy and save ChristmasLand! )but you still just have to see exactly how it plays out. So we ended up staying up til 1am (with a brief pause in the show to watch the ball drop. lol). Sigh. It's a good thing my kids have finally learned the art of sleeping in! :)
Today we went to my parents. We had to pick up the girls and I convinced Mom to cook a New Years day dinner for us. They always say you should start the New Year as you want it to continue ... back when the little kids were just babies & Southern Darlin' wasn't with us, Mom made a big family meal once a week. Things kind of fell to the wayside when they moved farther south and we moved farther north. But it's a tradition I'm committed to bringing back! LOL! I had full intentions of working on a few new hats for Miss Itty Bitty (My friend T's new foster baby!) but somehow I got sucked into helping Mom make dinner. lol. Oh well, best intentions and all.
The kids are off school until Tuesday, so just a few more days of freedom until we have to get back to a schedule of earlier bedtimes & much earlier waking up times. I'm not ready yet!!!